Your results in perspective using the benchmark

When analyzing survey results, you might naturally ask questions like, “Is this good or bad?” and “Is this normal?” These questions are valid, especially when interpreting a score like a 7, which might seem decent but warrants further examination.

To accurately assess your results, it’s essential to put them into context. In other words, you need a benchmark for comparison. The best practice is to avoid comparing apples to oranges. Instead, compare your results with historical data from previous measurements or against results from different departments within your organization. This approach provides a more accurate picture.

In cases where such comparisons aren’t possible, it’s still useful to compare your results with data from other sources, but be cautious not to place too much emphasis on these comparisons. Remember, comparing different contexts can be like comparing apples and oranges.

Below, we provide some results, including NPS and satisfaction scores (based on the standard Integron questionnaire) for B2B companies in the Netherlands, along with insights into various industries. We’re offering you a broad view of the “fruit bowl” so you can select what is most relevant to you.